Are You Ready To Transform Your Life?

"Put Chronic Pain, Once-Irreversible Diseases, Stubborn Obesity, Medications, & Unhealthy Habits In Your Rearview Mirror For Good!"


3 Ways To Avoid Burnout Replay
Replenish, Revive, Restore Community Replay

Bonus Session Replay

Breakout Session Replay


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Get ongoing evaluation of your health to discover what challenges are holding you back from achieving and maintaining your ideal health.


Create, execute, and revise practical short- and long-term goals for naturally transitioning to a diet, exercise routine, sleep schedule, and overall lifestyle that will bring about radical change in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Unlearning destructive, pain-inducing habits and replacing them with healthy ones is MUCH easier than you think! You'll discover secrets to consistency and solidify your path to thriving health.


Your best chance for sustaining your health achievements is accountability! Joining this group provides you the safe-space growth community to ensure you never go back to your old life.


Get ongoing evaluation of your health to discover what challenges are holding you back from achieving and maintaining your ideal health.


Create, execute, and revise practical short- and long-term goals for naturally transitioning to a diet, exercise routine, sleep schedule, and overall lifestyle that will bring about radical change in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Unlearning destructive, pain-inducing habits and replacing them with healthy ones is MUCH easier than you think! You'll discover secrets to consistency and solidify your path to thriving health.


Your best chance for sustaining your health achievements is accountability! Joining this group provides you the safe-space growth community to ensure you never go back to your old life.

If you are one of the 10 individuals chosen to work with Michelle Blackwood and her team, you will learn closely-guarded secrets to transitioning to a healthy diet and lifestyle, breaking unhealthy habits, eliminating medications, and building and implementing visions, goals, and systems that will allow you to transform into the pain-free, disease-free, thriving health that you were created to live FASTER!

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

My doctor says Type 2 Diabetes is irreversible, so despite all the medications they have me on, I'm stuck with low energy, body aches, excess weight, and other symptoms.

I'm far too busy to make a diet / lifestyle change. I don't have the patience or ability to cook healthy, and though I know I need to do better, this is simply who I am.

I’ve tried to get my friends and family to hold me accountable, but when the support stops, so do I. A good, consistent partner is hard to find.

I love the food that I love, even if it causes painful side effects, and I don’t think I have the willpower to get my eating under control.

If You Can Relate To Any Of These, 
The Plant Prescription Group Is Just For You!

If you've been beating yourself up for being stagnant, treading water, growing complacent, even taking backwards steps in your health, STOP!

Maybe you resolved at the beginning of this year to  get back on track with the health goals you set for yourself...but as we enter the second half of 2023, you still aren't where you want to be, and you're discouraged. DON'T BE!

The fact that you are here right now means that no matter where you are in your health journey and how long you've been stuck, you still have the passion and commitment to thrive anyhow, and thrive NOW!


No matter how hard you grind, claw, struggle, scream, even pray, it's virtually impossible to transition and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges by yourself. Why?

Because you were created to need to support and be supported by others.


In This Exclusive Coaching Accountability Community, You Will:

  • Receive interactive, tailored instruction from me and answers to your questions EACH WEEK on how to navigate your journey to thriving health FASTER...
  • Get daily recipes and meal plans, then watch me cook your favorite ones live with you...
  • ​Gain exclusive access to new videos and content throughout the month that I don't share anywhere else...
  • Experience exponential growth in a supportive online accountability community with others who have the same goal as you...
  • ​Transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle that will put your health challenges in the rearview mirror for good...


My name is Michelle Blackwood, and as a registered nurse, health coach, author, professional food blogger, and creator of the internationally acclaimed website, I had to drastically change my diet to vegan and gluten-free due to my own health challenges.

Since then, not only have I, my husband, and my two children experienced phenomenal health benefits, but I am thankful to say that hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who regularly visit our website have experienced the same. How?

Instead of chasing crazy diet fads or insane workout routines, I simply focus on eliminating and replacing common foods that are secretly derailing our health and putting our bodies and minds in jeopardy.

By providing tasty and easy-to-follow recipes, I showed countless individuals who never thought there were healthy alternatives to their favorite meals nor never fancied themselves as cooks that they could indeed replace those toxic foods with minimal time, effort, and money and MAXIMUM taste!

Over the years, dozens of individuals who visited my website, watched my videos, raved over my recipes, and attended my presentations have personally reached out to me asking for me to coach them in transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle because of their intense struggles with Type 2 diabetes and other debilitating diseases, extreme body pain, and frustrating weight issues.

I am blessed to have been able to help so many of those people on a one-on-one basis achieve thriving and sustained health results...but since I was only working with one person at a time, it was incredibly time-consuming. This not only meant a challenge for me with less time to spend with my family and business but also vastly limited the number of lives I could impact.

As a group coach, I am able to reach an exponentially higher number of people and facilitate intimate spaces where the group itself becomes a much more transformative medium to every member than me working with someone alone. When you are in our accountability group of individuals all invested towards accomplishing the same goal, each member brings their unique experience, testimonies, challenges, insights, and personality that encourage and sharpen the other members, and I will make it my mission to ensure that together, we all live and stay committed to the healthy life we were created to live!


Replenish Journal

Value: $47
We've mapped out all the success templates you need to construct your vision, mission, goals, and systems. In your breakthrough planner, you'll get the exact frameworks MyRon and other successful influencers in his circle have used to achieve massive breakthroughs.

What Others Are Saying...




8 Weeks Of Group Coaching

Value: $3,997
Each week, you'll be on a 90-minute Zoom group session with Michelle to give you the specific training and Q&A feedback you need to succeed in this journey to sustained thriving health.

Weekly Challenges

Value: $297
Throughout the program, you'll be challenged with simple, innovative ways to create and build upon healthy habits that will solidify the level of consistency you need to achieve and maintain your weight goals.

Pre-, Mid-, And Post-Assessments

Value: $197
Take specialized, highly detailed assessments that will evaluate the strengths in your current health regiment, risk factors, and growth areas so that we can have a concrete starting point and be able to carve a road map from where you are to where you want to be. 

Access to Guest Experts

Value: $1,997
Learn cutting-edge health hacks from medical professionals who I'll invite into our sessions for you to interact with and glean valuable information on how you can thrive in your health no matter how much you feel you have failed in the past.

Success Partner

Value: $297
We'll pair you with another group member to learn and grow with as an accountability partner throughout this program (and beyond, if you choose). You'll have weekly exercises and activities that I've designed to help you challenge and sharpen each other like iron!

Replenish Journal

Value: $47
We've mapped out all the success templates you need to construct your vision, mission, goals, and systems. In your breakthrough planner, you'll get the exact frameworks MyRon and other successful influencers in his circle have used to achieve massive breakthroughs.

Membership in Small Group Online Community

Value: $247
In the private Facebook accountability group (separate from the general group for challenge registrants) and WhatsApp chat group, we'll build upon the progress we make during the weekly coaching sessions. You'll get tips from me related to health topics addressed in our group, share experiences, ideas, and advice with other purpose-driven individuals, and build long-lasting relationships that foster transformative growth.   



Coaching Session Recordings

Value: $997
LIVE attendance for all group coaching sessions is SO imperative that I was tempted to not offer replay access to the recordings at all to encourage everyone to show up. 

But I also acknowledge how unpredictable life can be AND how valuable the content in these sessions is after the fact. There will be so many unearthed golden nuggets of ground-breaking information that it'll be impossible to capture them all the first time around, so we're making them available to you for one year.



Video & Book Resources

Value: $297
I've put together a collection of videos and other helpful resources to help you crush this journey to transformational health. You'll also get copies of two of my best-selling books

More videos are added on a regular basis, so you'll always find new content to educate, challenge, and encourage you on your path to success in your health!



Free 60-Minute One-On-One Coaching Session

Value: $997
For those highly devoted individuals who truly want to overcome their pain and disease symptoms, solidify consistent healthy nutrition and exercise habits, and thrive in their new healthy life, you'll have the opportunity to get a one-on-one 60-minute session with me AND have direct e-mail access to me throughout the program where you'll receive a response within 48 hours.

I'll able to help you get on track with specific guidance in taking your physical, emotional, and spiritual health to unprecedented heights. If you're truly all-in on making THIS the year that you remove all limitations that have previously you hindered you from the healthy lifestyle you've always dreamed of, I'll make it my personal commitment to help you succeed!


YOURS FOR ONLY $997 $797 (Or Two $497 Payments)
Hurry! Early Bird Discount Ends 7/31/23 at 11:59 PM EST!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does membership in the group cost?
This program will cost $2,997 per person for eight weeks. However, since this is the very first session of this particular program, I'm offering an exclusive founders' rate of $997, with an early bird discounted price of $797 for those who claim it on this site before 7/31 at 11:59 PM EST. 
Do I have to have a Facebook account to join?
No. We do have a private, members-only Facebook group for those in which we share our celebrations and our challenges throughout the program. However, you can watch and participate in the group coaching calls via Zoom as well as access the courses and other digital resources in the membership site. Thus, the Facebook group is a benefit, but it’s only one component of everything that the Plant Prescription Group has to offer.
How soon will I have access to the community and resources once I join?
Immediately! Upon registering, you'll receive an e-mail with login information for the membership portal and instructions on how to explore all of the resources included in the program. You'll also get a link to join the Facebook group, and those requests are generally approved within minutes. If you don't receive this information, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will resend you your login details.
When are the LIVE Group Coaching Calls and how can I be a part of them?
The live group coaching calls will start in August and go for 8 weeks. You will receive an email with a survey prior to the start of the program with several options for times and dates for us to meet via Zoom, so you'll want to look out for that and respond as soon as you receive it. The group coaching calls will be 90 minutes each.
What are the payment options to join this program?
We have two payment options. The early bird options are one time payment of $797 or two monthly payments of $497 each.
After the early bird deadline of Monday, July 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST, the regular price options are one payment of $997 or two monthly payments of $597 each. The payments will come out on the same date each month. Failure to pay the second payment will result in losing access to the course materials and live coaching sessions.
What if I can't make the LIVE group coaching calls?
We understand that everyone won't be able to make it every week at the scheduled time. We will record the calls and put the recordings inside of the course portal for you to watch them when you are able to.
How long do I have access to the courses in this program?
You have unlimited access to the courses and recordings in this program.
I registered but did not receive emails. What should I do?
We are sorry if you have not received emails. We sent emails to the email address you registered with from our email address [email protected]. Search your email inboxes including spam and junk for emails from that email address. Please add us to your email address book (and whitelist us if you can). You should be able to get our emails going forward coming to your main inbox.

How many people have you worked with in the past and how has your program helped them?
This is a brand new coaching community, so you have the opportunity to get into a pilot group at a founder's rate. However, I have worked with more than 100 individuals through individual and group presentations. Overall they have experienced lowering of hemoglobin A1C, lowering of blood glucose levels, weight loss, loss of extreme body pain, and reduction and elimination of medications. Some individuals have had reversal and removal of medication within 3 months, some take a little longer based on their unique condition. 
How do you handle refund requests?
We'll offer a full refund less 5% processing fee 48 hours before start of class. No refunds after the start of the program.

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